Page Six reported on Tuesday that Bar Refaeli signed a plea deal to perform just nine months of community service in her home country of Israel due to tax evasion charges, whereas her mother, will serve 16 months behind bars.
Reportedly, the 17-month criminal investigation into the 34-year-old supermodel started after she was accused of lying about her living conditions in the United States during her relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio, as a way of avoiding taxes from the Israeli government.
In addition to her community service, Tzipi Refaeli, her mother, agreed to serve over a year in prison, and each party will have to pay around $725,000 and another $2.3 million in back taxes. The Times of Isreal was the first to report the news.
The newspaper says that both parties will receive suspended sentences. According to reports, Bar, who just had her third child in January of this year, argued that her intermittent relationship with Leonardo in her 20s made her a “family unit.”
In other words, she argued that her home base was the United States, rather than in Israel. However, prosecutors in the case say that Bar and her mother used this claim as a way of hiding millions of dollars in earnings from tax authorities between the period of 2009 and 2012.
Moreover, Bar managed to avoid telling the authorities about the expensive gifts and discounts she was given around that time. As it was noted above, Bar was linked to the Once Upon A Time In Hollywood actor, Leonardo DiCaprio, for several years.
According to a 2011 report from The Daily Mail, Leonardo DiCaprio split after both parties revealed they weren’t interested in settling down anytime soon. In 2011, the then-36-year-old movie star and the then-25-year-old model went to the Met Gala in New York and spent an evening at Top of the Standard.
Following six years of intermittently dating, they chose to break it off because both of them were interested in seeing other people. Other sources have stated that Leonardo DiCaprio actually broke up with her due to her “questionable” behavior.