Carly Fiorina Speaks At Iowa Freedom Summit Features GOP Presidential Hopefuls

During the recent Republican Presidential Debate, Carly Fiorina emerged as a very interesting candidate. Although she was not qualified to speak in the first debate, she definitely came out swinging this time. Throughout the night, Fiorina was able to shut Donald Trump down, and people all over the country couldn’t help but listen to what she had to say. However, even with the newfound spotlight, many people are wondering who this woman is and where she came from. While her answers during the debate may have been impressive, there’s more to Carly Fiorina than she would like for voters to believe. Here are 10 things Carly Fiorina doesn’t want you to know.

She’s divorced

Carly Fiorina’s religion plays a huge part in her personal life and her political platform. While she is often critical of other people’s choices that may not be in line with her belief’s, Carly Fiorina has a divorce under her belt. Prior to her marriage to Frank Fiorina, Carly was married to Todd Bartlem from 1977 to 1984. Bartlem has since spoken on Fiorina claiming that she isn’t exactly the person she portrays herself to be. He claims that she is a very calculating person who knows just what to say and when to say it. He even feels as though she only married him as an attempt to be a rebel.

She was asked to resign from her job at HP

In 1999, Carly Florin was named the CEO of Hewlett-Packard making her the company’s first CEO. During her time in the role, she made several chances to the company’s culture, and unfortunately, they all weren’t well-received. However, her initiative to merge HP and Compaq was met with resistance, and Fiorina was forced to resign from her position. However, everyone knows that being forced to resign is nothing more than a nice way of saying FIRED.

Some of her information during the recent debate was incorrect

During the most recent Republican presidential debate, Fiorina received a lot of praise for being able to shut down currently Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump. However, while she was able to stump the Trump, it seems like some of her remarks were a little on the fictional side. Her statements on Planned Parenthood, in which she said, “As regards Planned Parenthood, anyone who has watched this videotape, I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain. This is about the character of our nation, and if we will not stand up in and force President Obama to veto this bill, shame on us.” However, the scene she claims to have seen doesn’t exist. She also made some remarks about president Obama’s stance on immigration that are simply untrue. Let the fact checking begin!

Her leadership skills have been questioned

While Fiorina has found a lot of success in the business world, her ethics haven’t gone without question. As Apparently, her ex-husband isn’t the only person who believes that her intentions aren’t always pure. In 2005, The Wall Street Journal commended Fiorina’s rise to the top, and also stated that her leadership style may be “self-centered.”

Her faith may be a little on the extreme side

Carly Fiorina’s faith is something that she’s very proud of, and brings up often when making points on what she deems acceptable and unacceptable. However, in a nation that is constantly struggling to find true separating between church and state, people who display extreme religious beliefs are often met with resistance from those who feel that religion should not have any say in the legal system. Whoopi Goldberg even questioned Fiorina’s motives, stating, “I assume you’re a person who is very, sort of, pro-life and believes in that. Are you going to run as a person going to govern for everyone or are you running on your Christian beliefs?”

She dropped out of law school

Drop out is never a label that anyone wants to be associated with, especially a person who hopes to be the president of the United States. However, Carly Fiorina is a law school drop out who left Stanford University after one semester of law school. According to her ex husband, “She tried to go to law school but she hated it and it was a big problem because her father wanted her to be a lawyer.”

She’ll say anything to get her point across

Carly Fiorina has a bit of a history with saying whatever she thinks will make her look and sound good. This was proven time and time again during the Republican debate when she repeatedly made fictitious statements to get her point across. She also has a bit of a habit of coming across like a know-it-all, which probably isn’t a good trait to have when you’re constantly making things up.

She has been labeled ‘cold’ and ‘calculating’

Carly Fiorina’s ex-husband claims that she is a very cold and calculating person, but he isn’t the only one. Several years ago, her current husband’s daughter, Lori, passed away at just 35-years-old, and Fiorina has always maintained that she was a mother figure who helped raise Lori. However, Lori’s mother, and Frank Fiorina’s ex-wife, claims that Carly has exaggerated her relationship with Lori in order to gain public sympathy.

She’s never held a public office

Not only has Carly Fiorina never held a public office, and her attempt to run for Senate ended in failure. However, she isn’t the only candidate who has never held an office.

Lots of people have probably never heard of her

Be real, have you ever heard the name Carly Fiorina before? Let’s face it, the average American has probably hasn’t and this is something that no candidate – for anything – ever wants to admit. Although she’s been successful in the business world, her lack of political experience makes her unknown to many.

 (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)
