T.I.’s daughter, Deyjah got candid about her struggle with both anxiety and depression and her brave, raw video all about it is bound to help a lot of people in similar situations! This was the 18 year old’s first ever YouTube video and she seems to have something really important to say so it’s great to see that she’s using her voice.

As it turns out, Deyjah has been dealing with mental health problems ever since she was only 11 years old so it makes sense she’s opening up about it since it’s such a huge part of her life.

After previously deleting her Instagram app back in November, T.I.’s daughter also promoted her video on it!

‘Transparently speaking, depression and anxiety’s something that I have been dealing with since around the age of 11, [my] self-esteem began to become an issue for me in the sixth grade due to bullying. [As a result, I] started to struggle with understanding what it was I was feeling and definitely knew I was not able to express what it was I was going through,’ she shared in the Youtube video.

Scarily enough, Deyjah went on to admit that she began to self-harm due to the fact that at that age, she did not know how to deal with her mental health struggles.

‘Without the proper knowledge and support, I started to turn to self-inflicted coping mechanisms that were not too healthy or beneficial to me or my growth. I could not really envision the evolution of myself due to the fact that I felt really unmotivated to continue my journey and also repeatedly had thoughts of me not being here anymore,’ she confesses.


But the teen wanted to make it very clear that dealing with anxiety or even depression does not make anyone ‘incapable, less remarkable or unable to live a healthy lifestyle’ even though things are still hard for her today.


She even had some pretty good advice on what to do when you’re dealing with anxiety and depression! Check out the video to find out more!
